Amazing sights and sounds to see all around the mid gulf and inner areas right now, from Orca cruising the shallows among anchored yachts

at Waiheke Island to kahawai workups just off Gulf Harbour golf course, as well as brief encounters of the workup kind spread out all over the gulf!

New Zealand summertime, a south sea paradise right now.

Kahawai are having a ball chasing the many bait schools out there, whether accompanied by dolphins and/or gannets, or not. There are some big schools of various bait species โ€“ which may only be indicated by a few birds fluttering around in a small bunch on the sea surface, possibly fast moving kahawai chasing even faster moving pilchards! This is just one of the many baitballs just under the hull yesterday, check it out >>ย

Snapper are definitely in go-slow mode though, after all thereโ€™s the big bright full moon right now, temperate waters and post-breeding lethargy, so the snapper bite can be rather short, usually good strong stuff but more limited in duration, so make hay while the suns shines (the bite starts) when youโ€™re out there.

Skipjack tuna are just starting to nose into the gulf, around Little Barrier โ€“ outstanding fun, the Lilโ€™ Squidwings is an absolute favourite for these blue and silver bullets, around 5-6kts troll speed is great on a smooth sea, if the lure is jumping out of the water, slow down until it doesnโ€™t.

Tidal current is on the upswing which should help with increasing the bite time length over this coming weekend.

Interestingly when the bite drops off, micro jigs have worked incredibly well, out in 45m a tungsten micro works well to get down faster particularly if you are drifting along, the Catch Pocket Rockets have been a stand-out success this week, making the difference between just a couple of fish, and a proper fish bin for the family. Slower action too rather than an aggressive long fall working noticeably better.

Lots of different fish out there to enjoy, so if one species isnโ€™t in the mood thereโ€™s usually one or two more that are.

