Summer fishing provides so many different ways to catch fish, get the gear and get some fresh fish for the family!

Weโ€™re well past that big bright full moon now, although another real doozy is coming. The tidal current has been calming down and right now the summer fishing is very good especially for the small boats/kayaks and landbased. Inner areas around the Gulf are fishing much better, including the Downtown/Chelsea/Devonport shallows, light tackle snapper fishing for sure. Early morning has been the go lately. Similarly in the famous Rangi channel, the early bird catches the worm or rather snapper.

Wonderfully spread out workup style fishing in the 35m to 40m chart depths off Waiheke to Tiri = FISH! And fish of all sorts, anchovies (lots of them) sparking the feeding chain into life with huge kahawai and good kingfish hounding the bait in this area. Pannie snapper are all through here, simply drift fishing the genuine Catch Kaburas has been fairly easy. The Rod Holder technique has been good when the bite is very tentative. Monster kahawai are busting up the surface as they chase the tiny bait, sending them flying, sensational fun. Lots of little hammerhead sharks are sunbathing on the surface too, right into western Rangitoto.
Skipjack tuna are not far away now either.

The short bite time length of last week should be increasing this week. Hence itโ€™s the perfect time to be out there, the forecast good and a good moon risingโ€ฆ Wow the time is now!

