So many desirable species of fish are out there, are you already out on the water? Or you must be heading out shortly?

Yes โ€“ awesome!

No โ€“ why not?!

The Autumn fishing spree is on.ย  Both near and far, so many fish species are all keen to feed before the winter slow down hits. From mackerel to marlin the season to be out there targeting your favourites fishes is upon us. There is no better time to go fishing than right now.

Inshore areas all around the gulf and harbours are still hold good snapper supplies as they turn their heads and many head out of the shallows to deeper water of 100m+.

Out in 40-50m the snapper fishing is consistently good. Using different lures (different imitation live-baits) you can expect to come home with a bin-full of excellent table snapper. They’ll probably be some 10-15lbers in amongst them. Again โ€“ expect to do so with the right approach, and you probably will.

Kahawai have been in huge schools at times. But then magically disappear as they shift around the entire gulf fast, so here one day, and 10nm away the next. Channel island has been alive with them lately. Along with the kahawai are their ever present shadows, kingfish. Consequently, any kahawai schools spotted โ€“ be quick with your kingfish weaponry. Top water and big jigs (300gm) both work well.

Mackerel are feeding up a storm, there has been huge schools of them just north of Tiri tiri Matangi. Although they’ve been looking more like kahawai with their enticing surface splashes and attentive birds. Usually thereโ€™ll be some good snapper in amongst them. Use a reasonably large jig (100gm+) to get under them and entice the snapper to hit. Inchiku lures have been working a treat.

Out in 50m the fishing is reliable, so head out early and fast. Slow down to troll speed, throw out a skipjack lure or two (yes they are still all over the gulf!). while you try and hook up on these silver bullets, keep your eyes on the sounder for bottom sign, thereโ€™s probably both snapper and kingfish together out there in good patches. Stop and drop those lures into the sign and work them fast, and slow. Different times of the day the bite changes noticeably between aggressive lure action, and very, very slow retrievals (Kabura time and Lil Squidwing time).

Marlin still on your list? Get out there, their big feed before their northern vacation is still on. 100m depths are all that has been required.

The strong tidal flow of late calms down quickly this week making for much calmer fishing conditions coming up. And the Auckland Boat Show is nearly here!

Enjoy your fishing.


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