The winterless North, five knot variables, and big fish!

A superb weekend of Ladies Fishing.

Lots of fun using different lures in this Catch Fishing sponsored Fishing Competition. Snapper, gurnard, blue cod, kahawai, kingfish, and even a spectactular bluenose filled the chilli bin.

Friday saw some of the Catch Fishing team head out to the ‘Garden Patch’ in search of deep water species. Bluenose were the target, and the 500gm squidwing the lure of choice. Fishing this lure with a slow mechanical jig proved effective on the bluenose. Winding these fish up from 250m sure got the arms working!

Mechanical jigging with the double trouble and beta bug on some pins closer to shore landed a couple of nice kingfish. Drifting softbaits also picked up some snapper.

Two lucky winners accompanied Naomi and Grant ‘Captain Espresso’ fishing on the Saturday of the competition. Fishing closer to shore, drifting soft baits were irresistible to snapper, blue cod, gurnard and the schools of kahawai.

Weigh in and Prize giving was held at the Taipa Tavern. A fantastic weekend enjoyed by all!