Winter Workups – you’ve got to love it when it’s raining gannets!

The winter workup switch has been flicked on and someone forgot to turn if off, for several days! Workups produce amazing sights and sounds. The food chain is being rattled long and loud with thumping great workups most days somewhere in the Hauraki Gulf recently. There’s some surprisingly big fish in terms of both snapper and kingfish in attendance. Thrills and spills aplenty in fishing terms. Many stories to be told of โ€˜the one that got awayโ€™, and excited stories of the ones that didnโ€™t. Flat Rock to Anchorite has been one consistent area.

A full moon looms on Sunday, letโ€™s hope this doesnโ€™t turn the fishing feast off leading up to it. Only time will tell, although a moderate tidal flow should keep things ticking along nicely.

Temperatures are holding O.K. out further in the gulf but in close theyโ€™re dropping down to 14c. Therefore some form of stimulation is the key to good fishing, whether itโ€™s Mother Natureโ€™s bite times, burley, birds active on the surface or a combination. Lower water temperatures inshore can mean many fish need to be sparked up to really get into feeding mode, especially snapper.

Enjoy your winter fishing, itโ€™s always an adventure.
